Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Hello to all my fans...

Hello everybody. My name is Kate, and this is the beginning of my on-line adventures as will be posted here. I just turned 24 yesterday, March 6, and I am a student at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. I am getting my Masters in Social Work. 24 is a funny age. You're not quite as young anymore, so it's not quite as exciting having birthdays. Like, 21 is so much fun to turn because you feel like a legitimate adult, not a fake one like you would pretend to be when you're 18 and can't even drink yet. At 21, you can do pretty much everything there is to do legally except rent a car. Apparently you're not a good enough driver until you reach the magic age of 25. I guess that's one thing I have to look forward to for my next birthday. Every birthday up until this one I have been extremely excited about. Birthdays are a big deal in my family. We always go out to dinner and get presents and have cake and generally make a big deal of the person as if they are visiting royalty. So, of course I have always been excited that one day out of the year, I can behave like a spoiled brat all because it is my birthday. This year, however, I started feeling old. Now, I know deep down in my heart that 24 is hardly old. As one of my good friends assured me, 24 sounds young and hip and independent. You can do anything you want now. But while at dinner on Saturday night, I was ecstatic that this lady at our table thought I was only 16 or 18 years old. I'm not exactly sure why I am feeling this way. Or maybe I know but I just don't want to admit it. Either way, this bears further scrutiny.

On a positive note, the Diesel jeans that I purchased for my birthday present are worth every penny that I spent on them. I am currently wearing them, and I keep running my hands over them, they make me so happy. I get absurdly happy over the clothes in my closet. Sometimes, when I am bored, I will actually go through my closet and try on clothes which I haven't worn for awhile. And I get really happy doing that.

On an even more positive note, I have had a pretty good day today. I was planning a fun day of homework when my friend Taylor called me up, saying that her boyfriend Daniel was coming down to visit for the day and bringing his friend Jeremy with, and she wanted to know if I wanted to go to coffee and dinner with them. She told me that Jeremy was really cute and single, so, like any normal girl, I reluctantly agreed to abandon my homework in favor of hanging out with them. I met up with them at this place called Moonstruck Cafe, it's right on campus and has the best mochas and hot chocolates I have ever tasted. We got some coffee and sat down and played Texas Hold 'Em for 3 hours. I will be eternally grateful to a certain Sarah for teaching me that game. I did pretty good for myself, I was the second to last person to go out, so I almost won. Then, the four of us went to eat dinner at Za's, this fast food Italian place, and we talked some more. Taylor was right, Daniel's friend Jeremy was really cute, but unfortunately he lives in New Jersey, so a little far away from me in Illinois. It was a lot of fun hanging out together, though, and I was glad I got to meet Taylor's boyfriend. He was really nice.

Thus ends my first day on this blog. I could go on even more (writing has never been a problem for me), but I need to get back to my paper I'm supposed to be writing. So, until next time, Au revoir. The literal French translation of that is "to see again", which I particularly like because it is so less final than "good-bye". So, au revoir.


  • At 10:02 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Yay! I'm so glad you've joined us. Welcome.

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

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  • At 3:53 AM, Blogger ec said…

    The dark side...we shall continue to corrupt you, love.


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