Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Drama Drama Drama

So, yesterday I get two urgent phone calls from friends with news. One I talked with yesterday about it, but my other friend merely leaves this message on my phone that she and her fiance have broken off their engagement, have broken up, and that there is no chance whatsoever of getting back together. WHAT???? I tried calling her back yesterday, but she has not answered yet. So, hopefully today I can get a hold of her to make sure she's all right. I feel so bad, she had bought her wedding dress, had reserved the reception hall and the church, and had accomplished many other details. She had even moved to another state, where she knows practically nobody, to be with him. And now they have broken up. I was so excited because she was getting married, and she's such a fabulous person. Like, I just want to see all of my friends (including myself) happily hooked up with their soul mate, and I feel so bad for her that this hasn't worked out. Well, at least she discovered all this before the wedding and not after. I guess things could be worse...


  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    As of yet I don't no the details, but I'm a little heartbroken. She deserves an awesome guy, so if he's not the one, than I guess you're right and she's better off, but still...no chance of reconciliation?

  • At 12:57 AM, Blogger ec said…


  • At 12:57 AM, Blogger ec said…



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