Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


I am so proud to be at the University of Illinois right now. Illinois won another game in the Big 10 turnament, and so tomorrow they are playing the championship game. It's getting tense down here, but v. exciting.

Well, I haven't posted in a couple of days because I have been up in the suburbs of Chicago having an interview for an internship next year. It went okay, but I think my biggest downfall will be that I don't speak Spanish. I speak French! Does that count for nothing???? The people who were interviewing me seemed a little negative about my French speaking abilities, like, how in the world is that ever going to help you? Well, fine, I have two more interviews for internships, maybe they will be impressed by me! I will keep you updated on what happens.

I went to see "Bride and Prejudice" last night, it was v. cute. Lots of singing and dancing and bright colors. Does that sound ditzy? I like more than that in movies! I swear. I can see deep movies as much as the next person. I'm going to see the Merchant of Venice tonight. See?

Another new thing (I feel like I'm bouncing around with no intros between any of these subjects, but deal with it if you want to read this) is I am finding out more about going and doing Social Work abroad after graduation. Apparently, you can go within 6 months of graduating on a student work visa, and you only have to commit to 6 months, because that's all the work visa will let you work for. Then, if you like what you are doing and where you are living, you can have your company sponsor you, and get a longer work visa. Apparently, the whole UK is experiencing a shortage of social workers, so I could be in Ireland, England, Scotland, or Wales. Isn't that exciting? I have been feeling so America-bound this year, especially with my sister just getting back yesterday from a trip to Italy. And if I only have to commit to 6 months, I almost feel like I have to go now while I have the chance. But I still have another year and a couple months before I have to decide, so that's a good long while. I have time.

I guess that is it in my v. exciting and interesting life at the moment. Let's cheer on Illinois tomorrow, okay?


  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Lucky. I want to see Bride and Prejudice. I'll probably just end up going by myself because I don't know who'll go with me? Did you have a buddy?

  • At 1:25 AM, Blogger ec said…

    Dude, i haven't seen a movie in the theater since the phantom of the opera.

    Kate, go to scotland, ireland, or england, or wales. you know, we'll come and visit you. after i make it big in the movies of course

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Heck, I'll see you even if Eden hasn't made it big yet (and I'll make her come, too). There are ways of finding cheap tickets, especially if we're not going at peak times.

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger gn0 said…

    Get down here! :)
    Watch out down here though, it's not all fluffy roses. I hear the laws in England are a bit naff.. But I'm not a law person, so I don't really know (gossip is unreliable anyway).
    You may need to ask about that before transfering.
    Take care, Jesus bless :)


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