Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Knowledge or the Mystery?

So, it's my last week of classes before spring break, and I have been BUSY. Busy working on homework, busy freaking out about my internship next year...Okay, so I shouldn't be worrying about it as much as I have been, I know. Everything seems to work out the way it should when it should how it should, and all the worrying in the world doesn't seem to make a difference, and yet I can't stop myself. On Monday night, I actually could not sleep because I was thinking about an interview I have this Friday for an internship next year, and how I didn't have the three letters of recommendation I need for it, nor the two transcripts. Of course, the next day I got two emails from teachers saying they could write letters of recommendation for me, and I felt much relieved. Now that I can't worry about that anymore, of course I am worrying about whether I will got offered any of the internship positions or not, and what will happen if I can't find a place to intern next year. I don't know what it is about humans that we always want to know the future, and what is going to happen to us. Maybe that is why I like stories so much, I get to see the beginning, middle, and ending; a lesson is learned; the main character is left changed for the better (or the worse, depends). Still, there is a power to stories that no one can deny. Why else did Jesus teach parables? He knew those would stick longer with his disciples. I like endings to things. I like finished business. I like the end of a chapter.

Yet, I can see the beauty as well in the unknown, the mystery of something that makes it so fascinating. Why else do people tell stories about Big Foot or the Lock Ness Monster? Why are we drawn to other people, whose ever changing natures make them a constant discovery? I love how you can know someone for years and years, and yet every time you see them, you learn something new about them. And God, of course, is the biggest mystery of all to us. I think we can study the Bible for our entire lifetime and still only have a glimpse into his true nature. I guess that's why we have to live for an eternity with Him in heaven, because only an eternity can come close to figuring out an eternal being.


  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Whoa. Deep. Need me to wrastle up a letter of rec. while I'm at Taylor, or did Angie come through?


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