Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, March 28, 2005

I am Alive!

No, I am not dead. I was on spring break, and now I am back to the grindstone. Although with lots of new stuff. When I think about what I did this last week, I think that all I did was shop. And exercise. And hang out with friends and family. But mostly shop. Which, of course, means a good spring break for me, but I felt so horribly shallow and materialistic when this week was over. I went out with my dad two days this week, and we went to the mall both days, and he bought me an insanely pricey amount of clothes, jewelry, and one designer purse. I figured out that my father spent more on me in these two days then the entire past two years. I had all this birthday money, too, which I spent all of on more clothes and shoes, and I got back my Illinois income tax refund, and so bought an IPOD mini. (blue)

I just felt so petty this week, between the consumption of material goods and going out with my friends. And I felt like God had really answered a lot of my prayers this week, such as getting accepted for an internship with a school system next year, with one that was my first choice, and all the presents he showered on me, and Illinois getting into the final four! (Yes, I was praying during that game with Arizona.) And then Good Friday and Easter came rolling around, and I felt kind of sick of myself. I hope for the rest of this semester, I can focus on what really matters and try to really care about others. I feel like I've been really selfish lately. And really mad at God.

Well, on a good note, Illinois is in the final four, which I am sooooooooooo excited about! The next game will be this Saturday, and it is going to be crazy here in Champaign. I can't wait. But now I need to finish a mid-term I have put off for too long. And write another paper. A bientot, mes amies.


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