Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Beginning of the End

My summer is fast drawing to a close. I have less than two weeks here in Bloomington with my sister, and then I am going back home to Chicago for a week before my internship begins. I am trying to enjoy my last bits of free time while I can. On Wednesday, my sister and I went to the pool for the first time together this summer. It was a bit chilly out, but a nice day overall as long as you didn't get in the water. We have been spending so much time together now that she is back from her vacations, and I don't have summer school anymore. It is great, like an automatic build-in playmate, we go do all the errands together, and go shopping, and look at other stores, and all this stuff together. I love it, because she doesn't like to do things along anymore than I do. I am really going to miss seeing her everyday after this summer is over. There is definitely something to be said about living with someone with whom you have been brought up with. It's like we have this whole shared history and upbringing together, and so we do things in very similar manners in a lot of ways. We keep saying we need to live somewhere close together where we can see each other a lot. We keep joking about moving to Atlanta, Georgia together, and in reality, I don't think that's a half bad idea.

On Thursday, we went to Magic Waters in Rockford with the youth group my sister helps out with, and I got kind of burned from that day. We spent the whole day there, we got there around 10 and left about 5:00, so it was a fun day, not too crowded. Tonight, we're going to the drive in to see Must Love Dogs with our cousin and her boyfriend, so it should be fun.

On the work front, I have told B and N about my last day with them, and asked for a transfer, and it looks good that I might get a transfer to a store up near where I live. I talked with the store manager today and set up an appointment with her for the Saturday when I'm back, so I hope that all works out. I think I would only work there two days a week, but it would be a little extra money, and I would get my half-priced coffee drinks, which I desperately need. I have had four frappuccino's already this week. It's like I'm addicted to them. Okay, I am addicted to them, but they're so good, and they're light treats, so I feel like I am having dessert without all the calories.

I'm having my hair and colored this Wednesday, so I'm excited about that. And I'm going to a concert and a play before my internship starts up, I'm going to see Rufus Wainwright in concert and I'm going to see Wicked. So, in all, I'm feeling pretty good with my life at the moment.


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