Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Unlucky Day

This week has been a rather boring one for me. My class ended last Thursday, for which I am extremely happy, but now I don't have too much to do. If it wasn't for work, I would be very bored right now. My sister and brother-in-law went on vacation to Hawaii, so I'm alone right now in there house, just me and the cat. Today was a particularly bad day for me. I tried to go running over at this park nearby my house, and I usually just hide the keys in my car and leave a door unlocked while I run. Today, unthinkingly, I locked my car as I got out and so locked myself out. I had no cell phone, no money on me, nothing except my Ipod in hand, and the two people I knew in this town where on holiday. So, I ran over to the Family Video nearby and asked if I could use the phone because I had locked msyelf out. Luckily, the guy who was working there was extremely nice. He called the police first for me, who said they don't do that anymore and I had to call a towing place, so then he called a towing place, who said they charged $45 to do it. I think that's a bit much, but I was in no position to argue, so I said fine. I ran back to my car where the tow truck guy came over, unlocked my car in about a minute, and followed me home so I could run in the house and get some money to pay him. After that, I didn't much feel like exercising anymore, but I did a tae-bo tape in the house so I wouldn't feel too completely lazy. I'm just getting tired of entertaining myself. I'm sick of TV, I've been reading too much, and I've been shopping just about everywhere there is to go. The weather hasn't been nice enough to go to the pool, being raining all day yesterday and overcast today, so hopefully it will be nicer tomorrow so I can go.

A friend is coming to visit me tomorrow for the Harry Potter book release, so I'm all excited about that (the friend and Harry Potter). I have been writing some on this novel my two friends and I are doing together. We're all writing a novel in the month of July, and mine is not off to a great start. We're supposed to have 50,000 words in a month's time, and I have a little over 5000 at this point. I suppose I'm a tenth of the way through, but I'm not exactly sure where this story is heading. I think it's taking a twist on me, so we'll see how it goes.


  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger ec said…

    woman, i have only 4000 words, so good for you, babe.

    i had a crappy day yesterday too. really bad.

    miss you.


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