Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I feel like this summer I have just been so apathetic about everything. It's like I just haven't been making an effort at anything, not in my relationships, not with my relationship with God, and not in my schoolwork. I feel like the only things I have really been passionate about this summer are shopping and exercising. I almost feel like I've been kind of hiding away, burying myself in television and books, and I'm not quite sure why. I think there are periods in your life, and sometimes it's like you feel so intensely about everything that at other times you have to dim your emotions so that you are evened out. Maybe this last year I was feeling such intense emotions that this summer I have just dimmed everything down. I don't know. I guess sometimes I just feel like life is so much effort, and sometimes it is just easier to stay at home then it is to interact with others. I think I need to snap out of this soon, or else I won't be doing much of anything next year, just staying at home and reading or watching movies, which, while pleasant, doesn't do much to satisfy my soul if taken in large doses.


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