Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Moved In

I am officially a Rockfordite. I moved last Tuesday, so I have spent about a week now in my new place. I am really liking my apartment and am glad that I moved here. It has a fantastic location (close to the mall, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Best Buy, movie theatre, etc.), it is not too bad of a drive to and from work, and it seems like so much space to a girl who has been living out of a suitcase for awhile. I finally have a chance to unpack all of my stuff. I had several boxes of books in storage in my Dad's basement, and I had so much fun unpacking them here, it was like new gifts. The only thing is I really wish I had someone living here with me. I am just so not suited to long periods of time alone. I get really sad and just don't know what to do with myself. I end up wandering around the apartment or out at Barnes and Noble, etc. Hopefully I will find a roommate eventually to live with me. Sometimes I feel bad, like it is some flaw in me that I don't like being alone. I wonder sometimes if I put too much store in others, I feel like I define myself a lot based on the people around me, and when I am alone, I feel like I don't know how to define myself.

The job is going well so far. We had this big inservice at a restaurant today and spent the afternoon in our office. I got paid already, too, and a raise (sort of, I was quoted one salary rate based on the 2006-2007 school year, and because they raised it, I am getting more than I originally thought, about $1000 more. I'll take it.)

I also bought my first laptop today at Best Buy! I was all nervous, they kept trying to sell me other stuff, like virus protection and additional insurance, and I was just being skint and didn't want to spend more money. I am playing around with it right now and still figuring everything out. Now maybe I'll finish that novel I've been working on. : ) I am getting internet for free here, too (maybe shouldn't say that too loudly). Kind of nice. I also bought the new Starting Line CD, and have been enjoying it. Now I can't spend any money for awhile, though.