Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Small Group

So, I've been going to this small group kind of sparratically through my church. Its a mixed small-group of people in their twenties, and I'm starting to get to the point where I'm feeling more comfortable going. Its me and two other girls, and then about 5 or 6 guys who go pretty regularly. Well, last night I was kind of sad to find out that it was the last week for one girl, and next week will be the last one for the other girl because they are both moving out of the area. So, I'll be the only girl left in that group. I'm not sure what to do, should I keep going even though I'll be the only girl? Or should I try to find another one? The guys all seem pretty nice, but I don't know if I'll feel uncomfortable being the only girl. I don't know. What do you all think?

Friday, November 09, 2007

New addition to the family!

So, I got a kitten today! I am so excited. It is a little Siamese kitten, he is 13 weeks old, and his name is Armani, Ax for short. It fits him. He is super affectionate, he's actually sitting on my lap right now and purring up a storm. He seems happy to be part of the family. Pictures will follow, once I get all my camera stuff set up on this computer. He's cute, though, believe me.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Falling into Fall

I can't believe its November already. At one of my schools today, the teacher was counting, and we only have 12 school days (11 now) until Thanksgiving break. That just seems crazy to me. I am feeling much more comfortable in my job, but at times, I still feel like school has just started. We have had 50 school days now. The time change is making running a bit hard for me now. I came home, and was barely able to get my running in before the sun had set. It sure looked pretty, but soon its going to be too cold and dark for me to go running outside.

I'm also more actively looking for a cat. I've decided I need one if I'm going to continue living alone much longer. I just need someone to talk to around the house, even if its a cat. I really want a Siamese cat, but they are so expensive. I went and looked at this shelter on Saturday, and they had some Siamese mixes, but none that looked super like a Siamese, and none that were kittens. I really want a kitten as well. Plus, they wouldn't let anyone take the cats out of the cage, and it was hard to tell what its personality was going to be like when they are just cooped up inside a cage. I felt so bad for them, but hopefully they will all get good homes. So, hopefully before Christmas I will have my very own cat.