Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Joggers Fan Club

I apparently have a fan club at the track where I go running on a regular basis. Granted, when I am there, it is mostly middle aged to older people, with a few students over breaks. For the most part, I am one of the youngest people there, probably because it is free. On Fridays when I go in the mornings, I keep seeing this one older guy there, probably in his 40's, and he always says hi to me and stares at me as I run. He probably has the biggest gut I have ever seen in my life, too, so it is quite exciting for me. My other fan is this older gentleman, who once complimented me on a Project Serve (high school mission trip) shirt that I wear sometimes to run, and now every time I see him, he taps me on the shoulder and gives me the thumbs up sign. He's just nice, I don't think he's hitting on me or anything. Still, it amuses me. I must look hot when I sweat.


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