Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Life and Laguna Beach

Sometimes I wonder if I get suckered into things because I see other people doing them. Like, I've been watching a lot of Laguna Beach lately (not too proud to admit it-in my defense, I like watching all of the interactions between high schoolers because it helps me understand my own high schoolers better to work with them), and also Makeover Story, and they've been getting a lot of hair extensions, so now I've been looking around at hair salons to check on the price of hair extensions. Kind of expensive. I'm thinking about maybe getting them around December. We'll see. I kind of feel like I've been spending all of this time and energy and money on my exterior, and my interior has been kind of crumbling to bits from neglect. Like, I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night with my mom and I was struck by this part where Willie Wonka makes this enormous chocolate palace for this Indian prince to live in, and it looks fabulous on the outside, but there is nothing of substance to hold it up, so when the prince tries to live in it, it melts on him one day from the hot sun because it can't withstand the heat. I feel a lot like that palace. If only I were made of chocolate, though.... Yum.


  • At 12:54 AM, Blogger ec said…

    First, if you were made out of chocolate, you'd just eat yourself like the pizza guy in Spaceballs.

    Second, I like the inside and outside of you, kid.

    And funny, I was in Laguna Beach today. Not the show, the actual place, and it's gorgeous.


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