Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Busy week

I feel like I should post because I haven't in awhile, but I really don't have a whole lot to say. On Sunday night I finally made it to our post-high school group at my church called Ecclesia. It's part of the whole emerging church group, and I really liked it a lot. This band played who were awesome, they are called Kepano Green. They used to lead worship at our church but moved out to California where all the really cool pastors and actual good Christian bands seem to go. They came out with a new CD which I want to get now, and it just made me feel really good inside, like energized for the week to come. I saw a bunch of people I used to know from high school and spent some time after the service was over talking with them. That was kind of strange because we have all changed so much from high school. But it was good as well.

Now I am in the thick of things at school, one of my groups will start tomorrow, and I hope everything goes well. I have to work at Barnes and Noble tonight, and I'm feeling rather tired, but it always goes by fast. I am going to Champaign this Friday for a class and then staying the weekend at my sister's house for her birthday on Friday. I finished American Gods by Neil Gaimon (awesome book), and have started Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, which is really good so far, but uber long (over 700 pages). It makes me want to write again.


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