Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Quick Post

So you don't all think I'm dead. I have been very busy between my internship and working at B and N. I feel like every down minute I have I am either running, reading, or sleeping (mmmm, sleep.) I am only here right now at the library because I have an assignment due for my class this Sunday at midnight, and needed to get information on the assignment plus look up three scholarly articles to write it. It looks like a lot of work, and I don't have tomorrow off like I normally will because I agreed to go and do the pre-school screening with my social worker. I will be watching her due some social/emotional skills and adaptive behavior questions with the parent, and then I will be conducting my own interviews with them. I am kind of excited about it. So far, I have seen a lot of meetings, I have seen my social worker meet with a couple of students for couseling, and I have observed a boy with autism to see what triggers his outbursts, what seems to work after he has outbursts, and what doesn't seem to work. I had to drive to Champaign last Friday for my first class (of which I got up at 4:45!!!!!!!!!! Way too early!), and my sister and her husband and his brother and friend came up last weekend for a wedding. I feel like I have done nothing fun lately. But I am really enjoying my internship. I think I will be a good school social worker.


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