Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labour day weekend

So, my weekend was very low key. I stayed home on Friday night, took my grandma around shopping on Saturday, had a cookout with my family Saturday night and then wrote my first paper for my class this semester, went to church on Sunday and then worked 8 1/2 hours at Barnes and Noble, and then on Monday, went shopping with my fam and worked in the evening. My mom bought me a pair of black pants at the Gap outlet on Monday, so that was kind of the highlight of my weekend. Having now lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers, it is nice to have a pair of pants that fit well. I've gone down 2 dress sizes now. But I still feel like I don't look much different, although people are starting to notice, which is flattering. I feel like I'm kind of getting consumed with losing the rest of the weight that I want to. I haven't been feeling like a very good person recently.

It was hard going back to work today, though all I did was watch a second grade classroom, in particular a boy with aspergers, and an early elementary program catering to children in special education. It was interesting watching the children, they were actually pretty cute. In the early childhood program, these two boys were playing house together, and one was carrying around this little baby doll and feeding it a bottle while the other boy was "cooking" fake food and serving it to the other boy and the baby. It was really cute.


  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger ec said…

    You've lost 30 lbs? AWESOME! Good work girl. It was great to talk to you yesterday.


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