Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Detox Diet

I have been on this detox diet this weekend that is making me really cranky. Sometimes I wonder why I do these things, but my mom suggested it, so I told her I would do it with her. It's supposed to cleanse your body out of all impurities, so you have to eat certain food each day from certain categories, but it's extremely limiting. Like, I can't eat sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, soy, dairy, or artificial sweeteners like splenda or sweet 'n low, so I can't have coffee, tea, Diet Coke, any sort of diet pop whatsoever, and it is driving me crazy! Especially with today being Valentine's Day, there are donuts and candy all over the place. All this is doing is making me want to eat even more. On the plus side, I went to see Brokeback Mountain over the weekend, and I really enjoyed it. I took my cardio kickboxing class last night and made a friend. There's this girl there about my age who I think we begin running together some, so that will be fun.


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