Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Armani the mountaineer

I am extremely glad that I got my little kitten, Armani. He's four months old now, as of yesterday. I know I need to get some pictures up here of him because he's so cute you all should be able to share in his cuteness as well. A little naughty, too, but that's a kitten for you. I'm happy that he doesn't chew on plastic bags, and he has been leaving my peacock feathers alone, but he definitely has a taste for human fingers and toes. I don't know why, but he constantly tries to lick my fingers and toes and then goes to biting them, which I am trying to break him of. Especially because I think I'm going to take him home for Christmas with me (yes, he's a bit spoiled, I know) and I don't want him to bite my 16-month old nephew while he's there who loves cats. I spray him with the water bottle, which works for a bit, but he still tries to bite again later. So, if any of you know anything about training cats I would appreciate it. One cute thing he does is I've had to leave my closet doors shut because he somehow manages to climb up to the top shelf and I can't even get him down all the time. I think he has mounain goat blood somewhere in his past. He is definitely a good climber.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Okay, so sorry I haven't been so great at posting in this blog this year. Ever since school has started in August, I just feel like there hasn't been a whole lot to blog about. I am figuring out that what inspires me to write is either romance or travel, and my life currently does not hold either of those things. Added to that I live alone, and I think it just sucks from me my will to do anything at times because I am not with people enough to feel refreshed and renewed. I just feel so tired all the time. Pretty much all that is going on right now is work, work, work. And yes, more work. Yesterday, I worked a 12-hour day with only a half-hour break for lunch. It was a really long day. I felt so tired all day today. As one of the 4 parent support groups I do with two other social workers, we offered free child-care for our parents. I was amazed at how many people didn't take us up on this offer. Now, I'm not a parent, so maybe it will be different once I have children, but I would totally take advantage of free child-care, especially if I was a parent of a child with a disability. I had two kids sign up from my class and only one actually showed up. Still tiring, though, since I was basically baby-sitting from 3-8 straight from school.

Today, I was supposed to have my evaluation, but both boys who I see were out sick, so I couldn't be evaluated. So, now my supervisor is coming out to another school on Tuesday to watch two of my friendship groups. I just want it to be over at this point, I've been a nervous wreck about it. Sigh. But at least I only have two more weeks basically until Christmas break. I'm ready for 2 week off, 2 weeks to sleep in. I have been feeling super tired lately. Maybe its the weather, its so cold and grey outside all the time.

Well, there's more I could say, but I don't feel like saying it right now.