Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, April 01, 2005

These Dreams...

Do you think that dreams have any meanings? I've always been kind of fascinated with dreams, and if nothing else, I think that they can tell us about our subconscious, and things we might be feeling that we don't realize. I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I was in Paris, France, with two of my best friends from college, and we were travelling around there, but I decided I wanted to live there and get a job. However, the way you could apply for a certain position was to swim in this pool with a shark in it. There were different types of jobs you could get depending on how many laps you did. Well, the first one I did had a lot of other people in the tank with me and the shark, and you had to swim underwater from one side to another a certain number of times, and I was able to do that one no problem by staying to the bottom of the pool, and putting as many people as possible between me and the shark, since the shark was at the top of the pool. I did my laps and earned the right to be a secretary in France. I decided I wanted to be more, however, and so I went to the second pool, where it was just one person at a time swimming with the shark, and I was so scared. (I have always been scared of sharks, I used to have all these nightmares about them as a little girl, and when my sisters and I would be swimming in a pool together, I wouldn't ever swim alone, because I thought when I swam alone, the shark would come and eat me, but if other people were in the pool with me, I would be okay.) Well, I shared this story with my two friends, and they told me I didn't have to do it, that the shark would probably eat me, but I decided to do it anyway. I had to do ten laps, and I managed two and a half before the shark cornered me on the side of the pool, and didn't eat me, but was suffocating me underwater. The judges got me out of the pool, telling me that the shark had never hurt anyone before, and saying I still had to finish the 10 laps if I wanted to get another job. I couldn't decide what to do, because I knew if I got back in the pool, the shark would kill me, but if I didn't, I couldn't get a good job. So, I decided to get back in the pool, and that's when I woke up.

So, dream experts, tell me what this means? Of course, I was also feeling kind of tipsy after drinking in a friend's room and playing some nintendo 64, so maybe I was just having weird, disorganized dreams.

Also, everyone root on Illinois tomorrow! They play Louisville at 5:07, and will win!!!!!!! So, watch it.


  • At 9:36 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Bizarre. from Dream Interpreter (http://www.dreamhawk.com/dyd-s.htm#s) SHARK A trickster, swindler, or desire to swindle. A threat from within, such as a desire to hit or hurt someone that will or may destroy us, our self respect. Fear of death; fear of the collective unconscious, or loss of self in the impersonal Whole or All; the power of the unconscious - so also its protectiveness; someone who is a 'shark' or unscrupulous.

    SWIMMING Water represents your feelings, a river the flow of our feelings and energies, and the sea the whole personality from outer surface to the depths of the unconscious, so swimming becomes an ability to cope with your inner feelings and energies. Inability to swim in a dream means you have not learned the skill of keeping afloat in the depth of your own feelings and mental life. To swim easily is to have confidence in yourself, and a trust in life to support your activities and efforts. To be at home in the waters is to feel at ease with your sexual urges, ambitions, desires and instincts. To be threatened by the waves or water, is to be afraid of yourself, of your own feelings, to doubt your ability to face life and its experiences. To feel threatened by your desires and energies.

    SWIMMING POOL The way you share experience with other people or are involved with other people. It therefore often refers to relationships with others, especially the aspect of relationship where feelings or influence permeates you from the people you are mixing with. For instance you might be part of a social group that starts using drugs and be influenced to join in drug usage.

    The swimming pool may also represent the magical inner world of your own mind, fantasy and imagination, especially in relationship with other people.

    Being under water in the pool: Something that is 'submerged' such as feelings about a past relationship that still exist, but are not 'on the surface' of ones mind. Or perhaps an aspect of ones personality that has not yet been recognised consciously. Also it suggest seeing what is going on unconsciously or under the surface in a group.

    I'm not sure what that all means.


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