Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


In less than a week, I will be the big 2-5, quarter century old. I'm actually feeling pretty good about this birthday, not as old as I have been feeling in the past. I'm starting to see all the joys of being an adult, such as increased independence, earning a living and supporting myself, and all the opportunities I have open to myself, such as going to Scotland/England next year to live. I guess I'm just feeling more excited about the future and what God has in store for me than I did before. I've been a lot more faithful recently in my nightly devotions, and I think it is having an effect on my attitude towards myself and life in general. Or maybe it's the fact that the sun is out more and it's starting to warm up (slightly). Or maybe that I am starting to see the end in sight for my master's degree. I have really been enjoying this internship. I think I am in the best possible place right now. I'm still a little more lonely than I would like to be at times, but I feel confident that I won't always feel this way.

I'm really excited about this weekend. I am going shopping with my Dad for my birthday, I'm going to the Opera with Sarah and Josh, I get to watch the Oscars with Sarah, and it's my birthday on Monday! I feel as if life is pretty good right now.


  • At 6:13 PM, Blogger ec said…

    just rub it in. i'm not there. boo hoo.

    just so you know, i'm keeping your present to make sure you come visit. you'll get it when you come. :)



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