Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm going to London!

Well, I think I got the OK that I have the necessary experience for London. I was really worried there for awhile, because she kept sending me emails with questions about my CV. Basically, she was worried that since I have school social work experience, I wouldn't have enough of the experience they look for in the UK, which is with assessments and case management. I sent an email back explaining how we do a lot of assessments in the schools in our studies and the Adaptive and the Functional Behavioral Assessments that I do, as well as we are kind of the case manager for any family in the school who has needs. (Case management is like hooking the family up with resources in the area/providing whatever the family needs to function socially, emotionally, financially, etc./working closely with the family). So, once I explained that, she sent an email back saying she felt more confident that I had the necessary experience, I can call her if I want to talk about this some more, and if I send her my mailing address, she can send some applications to me! I'm trying not to get too excited, because I feel as if this could pull out from under me at any moment, but it's looking a lot better than it was! I seriously could not sleep last night because my stomach just felt like this knot of emotion and anxiety. Do you ever get like that where your thoughts are racing so bad you can't sleep? I was almost shaking because I was feeling so anxious with thoughts about my future and what would I do if I can't go to the UK. I find I get my most negative thoughts at night when I'm alone. Anyways, I will continue to keep you posted as always, but things are definitely looking good!


  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Huzzah! I can't wait for you to get there so I can come visit.

    I definitely understand about the no sleep!

  • At 1:26 AM, Blogger ec said…

    I say another WHOO HOO!!!

    oh, and chalupa is liz's boyfriend. :)


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