Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Saturday was kind of the official celebration for my birthday with my family, and it was a wonderful day. It started off kind of rocky in that the train schedule changed on me of which I was unaware until we tried to catch the 9:21 train in to Chicago, and there was no 9:21 train. There was an 8:54 and a 10:54, and so I was upset about this to say the least because it changed all my plans for lunch and shopping. However, I was able to rebound okay, and my family ended up taking the 10:54 train in. We shopped first, going down to State Street. It was really crowded in Chicago because they were dying the river green and having a big parade for Saint Patrick's day, so there were tons of people going down for that. Everyone was wearing green except for my family, so we kind of stuck out. We shopped on State Street and then went over to the Water Tower before heading over to the Grand Lux cafe for an early dinner at 3:30 (we were tired of shopping by that point, so we wanted to sit down.) The Grand Lux Cafe was amazing. I loved the food and the atmosphere and everything about it. We didn't get a dessert because my sister had made me this chocolate cheesecake, but when I go back I want to try one because they are homemade and take a half an hour to make, so you pretty much have to order one when you order your meal so it is done in time. After that we took the train home and got home around 6:30, had some cheesecake (super yummy) and then watched Pride and Prejudice which I had gotten from one of my sisters. It was such a fun day, and the weather was awesome, in the 60's and sunny. I am so ready for summer weather. I want to lay out and get a tan and feel warm for a change. Hopefully that will be the case when I go and visit L.A. in a couple of weeks for Spring Break!


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