Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Old Friends, New Friends

I had a nice and social weekend. I saw some friends whom I haven't seen in awhile, and I saw some people who I have just started getting to know at Barnes and Noble. It was nice, overall. On Friday (St. Patty's day!) I went to this Irish Pub with my friend Janet for lunch. It was packed, and everyone was eating corn beef and cabbage. Then we went over to the mall and I got my ears pierced. I got to meet her new man, as well, and he seemed really nice, but not at all what I was expecting. I think that's usually the case when you meet someone's new boyfriend/girlfriend. He seemed really nice, however, so I think I approve. On Saturday I watched the disappointing Illinois game (there's always next year!) and went to Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time for dinner with my girls from B & N. That was fun, because all of the basketball games were playing, so I got to see how Indiana was doing (the last of the big 10 teams to last in the tournament--now I'm not sure who to root for, I think Boston College maybe.) On Sunday, I saw one of my oldest friends from junior high, Jenny, which was strange since we haven't seen each other in awhile, not since September. We went shopping to the outlet mall, and both bought this really cute little Coach wristlet that probably cost way more than it should have, but I love it. It actually was a better time than I had been expecting, since there is a history of drama between us. Now I'm just waiting for this week to be over so I can go to California!


  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    I'm so excited you got to meet Janet's man; I can't wait to hear all about him!


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