Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's amazing how unproductive one can be when one has a lot of time on one's hands. I had this nice four-day weekend because they were doing Prairie State Evaluations at school on Thursday and there wasn't much for me to do, so I got the day off. You would think I would spend time working on this application for the General Social Care Council in Britain (and I did, some), but I definitely did not finish it like I thought I would. Instead, I watched TV, I saw American Dreamz (funny in parts, overall just okay), and I rented a couple of movies on Saturday night and watched them (Fun With Dick and Jane, and My Date With Drew--pretty cute.) When I look back on this weekend, nothing really stands out in my head, but the fact that I got copious amounts of sleep, which make me feel well rested this morning back to work.

I think these next 5 weeks of school are going to be pretty hectic with meetings. I got two more case studies to do to meet with the parents and get reports, so I think this will go by fast. It's been a good internship, but I'm ready to be making money and have a job of my own. Although, the four-day working week has been extremely enjoyable.


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