Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

You Know You're Homesick When....

I went to this place at the city center today after work called Selfridges, which is a department store which also sells food. Well, this place offers some American food items that you can't get at normal grocery stores that I have been missing. They had Quaker instant oatmeal which I have really been wanting, and I ended up spending 6 pounds ($12) on this pack of 10 packets of instant oatmeal. Way too much, I know, but I wanted it.

I have really not been liking my work. It's all child protection and dealing with child abuse and adoption, so you get a lot of angry parents. It's very stressful. It's probably the worst social work job there could possibly be, but the pay is so good. I just hope I can stick it out the six months I'm supposed to be here. It's only been two weeks and I already want to quit.

Today I got to go to another office for some training in the initial referal process, and I got this really cute guy to show me how it's done. He was from Wales, and his name is Gareth. How much more Welsh can you get? I guess there are some perks to this job. Everyone in the office kept commenting on my accent and how much they loved it. It was so weird. I've gotten that a lot over here, actually, people telling me I have a "lovely" accent. Today, this one guy I was working on a protection order with kept making me pronounce "Birmingham" because I guess I pronounce it different than everyone else.

Tomorrow I'll be driving down to Newquay in Cornwall, and it can't come too soon. I need a break.


  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Naomi said…

    Hey Katie,

    Hang in there :) There were many days that I wanted to quit teaching last year because my inner city kids were so bad and the parents scared me half to death. I know you can do it. Just enjoy ther perks and have a fun trip. Hopefully things get better. I'll be praying for you! Just think...You're in England! Have fun.


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