Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Long weekend

Who knew one could end up at the hospital so many times over the course of one weekend? I am now officially an aunt. My sister had her baby boy on Friday morning, naming him Parker Tyler. He looks pretty cute, if I do say so. I was actually experiencing maternal urges as I held him in my arms, which is saying a lot since I used to claim that I never wanted to have kids. Now I'm rethinking that. Two might be okay. So, I had to cancel all my plans for this weekend and head down to Bloomington to spend both Friday and Saturday at the hospital visiting with my sister and her husband and his family and various friends of theirs. Then, Saturday night, I got home and had to take my mom to the emergency room from 10-2am because of these back spasms she was having. They gave her some pain medication, but it wasn't strong enough, so we were back to the emergency room on Sunday evening. I am so sick of the hopsital I never want to go there again. Never mind the fact that I wasn't even staying there.


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