Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last Day

Thursday was supposed to be my last day at school for my internship, but my supervisor decided that since I only had enough to do to last me for today and no students to see that today could be my last day. Of course, I am excited about the prospect of being done and out for the summer, but I'm feeling kind of sad as well. I hate saying good-byes, I never know how to do them. It's especially difficult with people with whom I have formed some sort of bond with over the year, but in reality will probably not keep in touch with. There are some people who have asked to be on my email updates when I am in England next year, so I will probably keep in touch with some people. I'm also going to miss some of my students. I have really enjoyed being a school social worker this year and enjoy all the relationships I have formed this year and the thought that I have made some impact on the lives of others, even if only a bit.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do with my next couple of free days before leaving on vacation Friday. I'm thinking about the pool. I am way whiter than I have any desire to be, and one of my goals this summer is to change my race through tanning. I might also bust out the bikini for the first time in the small environment of my sister's apartment pool which is typically overrun with mom's and their small children who will not care how white I am or that I have stretch marks on my stomach. Plus, I have seen women there wearing bikinis who look way worse than I do.


  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Whoot! How exciting! Does this mean you can come play on Thurday day?


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