Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer is Coming

I have another day in the school without my supervisor. I kind of like days like this because I feel more independent (obviously), and like I can handle being a school social worker on my own. I love school social work so much more than teaching, where your days were so structured and you could hardly go to the bathroom without it creating conflict with your schedule. I feel very busy with the social work I have to do, but it's more meeting with people and phone calls home and to community agencies and meeting with kids and writing reports, so it's more on my own schedule. I'm feeling pretty good about the end of the school year. I have most of my meetings next week, so that will be a little hectic, but I should be able to get most of my reports written today, see a couple of kids, and maybe even spend some time finishing up my GSCC application for social work in Great Britain.

I have some fun stuff planned for this weekend as well. It was my friend Patty's birthday last week, so this Saturday some of us are going to take her out to dinner at Cafe Iberico in Chicago (best tapas in the world.) I might be seeing my dad tomorrow or else next Friday to see Poseidon (not so sure I want to see it, but it's at the IMAX so it should be cool with all the special effects) and get a digital camera for my graduation! Then, on Sunday my church is starting this new young singles class for people ages 22-35, so I'm going to check that out with Patty. I think it'll be very small and with probably the same people I've seen at Ecclesia (the post modern church service Sunday evenings for people ages 18-30 something), but it's worth checking out. So, there's my update.


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