Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Beginnings and Endings

I like having a school year because it lets you have a beginning and an ending to each year. It makes me feel as if I have accomplished a lot over the course of the year, and then I get a nice break before it starts all over again. I think it's important in a job, especially one which deals with social, emotional, and financial needs, to have some sort of closure to a case or some sense as if progress is being made. I feel like my internship is just going to race forward until the end. There are still various little details I have to take care of, and several more case studies that I have to complete before the end (which is only in four weeks! I hope I have enough time for everything.) I also still need to find a summer job (which may end up being a temp agency,) and get my application in for the General Social Care Council in Great Britain. I'm feeling minorly stressed by all the things I have to do, but at the same time I know I will have enough time to take care of everything I need to. It's kind of a nice feeling. I think I'm feeling more confident about my life because I'm feeling closer to God than I have in a long while. I started going to counceling with a Christian counselor, and I have really been feeling God speaking to me through her. I feel as if I'm ready to let go of the things that have been keeping me from seeking God and start pursuing my relationship with Him again. I'm definitely ready for some changes in my life.


  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger ec said…

    YAY counseling!!!!!

    good for you, kate.


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