Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

News, news!

I feel like I have been having so many thoughts running around my head for this blog that I don't know where to begin. I have been running around London like crazy, but mostly without an agenda. I've just been wandering from one place to another because I can't make up my mind about where to go and what to do, and I haven't been wanting to spend much money.

Let me start with Thursday. I went to Hyde Park for awhile because it actually was a nice day, warm and sunny. I sat on this bench looking out at the water, and this guy close to my age sat down at the end of the bench. After answering my phone from this lady with UK-Pro, he asked me if I was an American, and a conversation was struck up. We talked for a good hour and a half, at which point he asked me if I wanted to get a cup of coffee with him. His name was Jhonny and he was 28 years old and from Ecuador, and very good-looking. I said okay at first, because I was flattered that he wanted to talk to me some more, but we wandered around for a good half an hour looking for a cafe and not finding one, and then I started feeling kind of weird. I didn't know what his intentions were, and being a female all alone in this city, I was feeling rather vulnerable. I also do not have a high opinion of men, feeling that they are all out to pretty much take advantage of whatever girl they can. I was feeling like there was no one there to protect me but myself, so I made up some excuse about an appointment and left him with no contact number. I don't know if that was right, but it made me feel safer. It was good to talk with someone, however.

After leaving him, I went to the wonderful world of Harrod's and wandered around for a bit. Friday was my trip to Calais and it was long and boring because I could not take time out to actually look at anything because I had to make it back to my hostel at the end of the day. HOwever, I did get the right stamp, so my objective was accomplished.

Today, I went to Westminster Abbey, but after discovering it took £10.00 for entrance, I started wandering down towards Victoria Station, looking in some stores along the way. I regrouped at lunchtime and decided to head up towards Leicester Square and Charring Cross Road, so I walked up a long way and ended up stopping for awhile in a Borders I found. Then, I wandered over to Oxford Street where I found the best shopping in the world, and happily looked in all sorts of stores such as Urban Outfitters, Marks and Spencers, H & M, GAP, French Connection, United Colors of Benetton, and more stores that I cannot remember the names for. There's this really cool new store I've discovered called Monsoon, but I can't afford anything there yet. Someday.

I have an interview for a job on Tuesday! I'm really excited about that, and I have the phone numbers for two girls from UK-Pro placed there to call and ask about the interview and everything, so I'm going to do that tomorrow or Monday. I have an appointment with a bank on Monday to set up a bank account, and then I am pretty much all set to work!


  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger ec said…

    I am green. Green with envy.


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