Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

One of these things is not like the other....

I am in London! I just arrived today after a long and gruelling time at the airport. I am feeling extremely tired right now after getting about 4 hours of sleep last night sitting partially upright in an airplane seat, but am waiting until it gets later so I can go to bed. I made it safely to my hostel, and things seem kind of strange here right now. It's as if it's familiar, with English language around and products that I am familiar with (Diet Coke with lime!), and yet, things are vastly different, too. It's as if I've wandered into a parallel universe and things don't quite fit what I am used to. For example, on the taxi ride here (in which I was merely gawking the entire time at my surroundings), there were weird signs for highways, such as the M4, and signs for something called diverted traffic????, and everyone was able to make left turns on red lights instead of right turns, and when I would look over at the other cars, I kept thinking these little kids were driving, but it was just that the steering wheel was on the opposite side of the car.

I think my hostel has an interesting mix of people. I don't think I have heard another American accent yet. There are actually a lot of cute guys wandering through here as I'm sitting here writing this, and they all look pretty European. I hope I get to meet some of the people here. Tomorrow will be a bigger day out in London since I will be going and doing things. Today, I'm merely settling in and hopefully going to sleep early tonight because I am pooped!


  • At 1:22 AM, Blogger ec said…

    YAY!! I'll try to forgive you that you didn't call me before you left. I'm glad you're safe. I hope I see you a lot online. I miss you!


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