Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I'm Back!

I don't even know if anyone is reading this blog anymore, but I thought I would start posting again now that I am back in the States and have some time. Yes, I have officially left England and returned to the United States as of three weeks ago. I have been doing some adjusting, and now I am officially feeling super bored. I am ready to be working again. I guess I'm just not cut out for a life of leisure. I've moved back in with my mom, and I'm just hanging around the apartment most days not sure what to do with myself. School positions (which I really want for next year,) don't begin until August, so I can start applying for some, but I need to do something with my time until then!

So far, I have been watching way too much television, doing some shopping, and hanging out with family and friends. I did go to the ballet yesterday (the American Ballet Company,) which was very fun. I saw Romeo and Juliet. It was amazing how they were able to tell the story without using any words. I was really able to follow along (of course, it helped that I knew the story already.) Still.

Well, this is a highly exciting post, but hopefully soon I will have some more exciting news to share.


  • At 9:16 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    I still read it!

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    ...even though you've never cared enough to link to my blog...sniff...tear

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger ec said…

    she probably doesn't know how, sarahbear. we'll teach her. :)

    I'm so glad you're posting again. I was terribly sick of Cornwall.

  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger shoppergrl said…

    Actually, Eden's right. I don't know how to link to other people's accounts, so someone will have to show me how. Glad to know you guys still check this, I'll keep updating it, then. : )


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