Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I have decided that my least favorite place in the world is the emergency room. This is because I have decided that my least favorite activity in the world is waiting. I hate waiting, and you wait for hours on end at the emergency room with a bunch of other families all sitting there and waiting as well. It's so depressing. I made this wondrous discovery on Monday night, when I helped my mother take my grandmother to the emergency room. My grandma had fallen and hurt her back really badly, so we were getting her checked out. She is being hospitalized right now because it turned out to be a compression fracture, and I spent several hours with her today at the hospital. She is being so confused as well, I think the pain is making her alztheimers much more severe. Several times she asked if we could go upstairs, if we were in a school, when her doctor from Minonk (where she hasn't lived for about 20 years) is coming to see her, and other things like that. The worst was when this group of men came in to check the heater, and she was convinced that they were there to steal something. I feel so bad for her right now, she is in a lot of pain, and I'm not quite sure how long it will take her to heal. So, tomorrow I will have another stint with her in the hospital. Thank goodness for the cable in the room. I am now au current with the presidential hopefuls for the 2008 elections, thanks to CNN (my grandma's favorite channel.)


  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    I'm sorry that you and your grandma aren't in a fun place. Who do you think will get the Democratic bid?

  • At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Katie,

    Nice to hear that you are back. :) Sorry to hear about your grandma. Mine has been in the hospital in Minnesota for over 100 days now with a bone marrow transplant, so I have been going up there more than normal. Hospitals get old really fast. I hope she recovers soon.

    My baby is due in just 2 months! Time is flying by. Ethan's 2 year b-day is next week so we have lots of excitement.

    Love you...I hope you can find a position for this fall.

    - Naomi


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