Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hello, hello

I have been pretty busy lately. For all that I'm working part-time, I still feel like work is keeping me busy. I've also started tutoring this high school girl, which came up kind of randomly, but the extra money (without taxes taken out!) is nice. I'm tutoring her in reading comprehension and test-taking skills, and she wants me to look at some of her writing as well. I was a bit nervous at first, because it's been awhile since I've taught any of this (about 4 years, in fact!) but I am happy with how much everything has been coming back to me. I've met with her twice now, and we have gone over 10 minutes each time because I have so much to say about the material. It's nice, keeping my brain active, which is sometimes more than what I can say for my other job. It is definitely not brain surgery, and sometimes I am a bit bored with it because it is not super challenging. I guess that's why I am still looking for another job. Speaking of which, I have an interview a week from Wednesday, but it is for a part-time school social work job, so I'm not sure how excited to be. If nothing else, it is good interview experience. We shall see. I think God is definitely telling me to keep trusting Him right now, but it is hard when sometimes I just feel so stuck in a rut. I'm 26, living at home, no full-time job, no boyfriend. I'm ready for some sort of change. I'm beginning to realize that I get bored super easily. I am always seeking constant entertainment, which contributes to my restlessness in my life. I'm not sure how to remedy this, though. If anyone has any ideas, please share with me.


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