Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sorry so long

Sorry it's taken me so long to write this next post. Life has been busy. Things of note, I went to the book release of the 7th Harry Potter book a few weekends ago. I spent the entire next day reading it, I couldn't put it down, it was so amazing. It was just the perfect ending to the series. I kept wondering how Rowling was going to pull everything together in time because there was so much going on, and she did it beautifully. I won't go into detail for those of you who might not have finished it yet, but I definitely think this book will be around for centuries to come, teaching kids about truth and sacrifice and love.

In my other world, this is my last week of work. I am so excited to be done. Not that I don't like my clients, but I'm just ready for a bit of a break before moving to Rockford and starting my next job. I am getting nervous about it for sure, and trying not to think about it too much right now. This Saturday, I'm leaving for Tennessee to visit one of my best friends before she leaves for a master's program in England. I'm trying not to think about how long it will be before I see her again after this, but I know she'll have an amazing experience there, since I did.

My mom is definitely starting to act sad about me moving away from the Chicagoland area. Not like I'll be super far away, but she's sad that I won't be living with her anymore. I know how sad she was because on Sunday, when we spent the afternoon and evening together, we decided to rent a movie. There wasn't much good out that she wanted to see, so she actually watched Snakes on a Plane with me. I was pretty amused that my mom was willing to watch that. It was pretty entertaining, I mean, the title pretty much says it all. Samuel L. Jackson is all hard in it. Apparently, to be an FBI agent, you have to know how to kill snakes, shoot bad guys, fly a plane, and fix an air conditioning unit. He had some major skills.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Huzzah for Employment!!!!

I have had lots of little posts going around in my head in these last couple of weeks, and of course, when I finally get the opportunity to post, I cannot remember any of them. So, I guess my big excitement right now is the fact that I have been offered a school social work position! I am really excited about it. Just picture me right now jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl. That's how excited I am. It is only a part-time job, which complicates matters a bit, but I just have faith that this is where God is wanting me right now, and he will provide. I have to start looking for another part-time job in order to make financial matters a little better. I have to start looking for apartments and/or roommates in the Rockford area, I have to quit my job, the list is endless. I did have a conversation yesterday with my supervisor about how I will be ending my job in a month. She was really supportive about everything, and sounded really excited for me. I feel bad about leaving the people, because they all tell me how much they like me the whole time. It's easy to get attached to them.

So, I have been pretty busy lately. Today, tomorrow, and Monday, I am also filling in answering phones at this accounting firm where my sister works, so today and Monday I get the privilege of working a 12-hour day. But I need money for all the stuff I will have to buy for my apartment. I'm trying to save up everything I can right now. I got the air conditioning fixed on my car, which makes me extremely happy. Yesterday for the fourth, I went to see our town's parade, and the highlight was when Peter Roskam came by with a real live elephant. I also saw the fireworks last night with my mom and sister. They were really good.

So, I will continue to keep you updated on the upcoming changes to my life!