Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Running and Life

Some days, all I want to do is run, and other days, I have to force myself with a cosmic shove to go to the gym. On Monday, I had one of the best running days I have had in a while. It helps that I had all this excess nervous/excited energy because of the Illinois game that night, so I ended up running 5 miles. I was so proud of myself. Then, the next day, it was like all the energy had been sucked out of me, and I was panting trying to do the stairmaster for 40 minutes. I had to go down a level more than I usually do. It's like I can't think about whether or not I want to do it. I just have to, as much as I have to do homework and pay my bills. But sometimes, when my energy is right, I can have the most amazing workout, better than eating chocolate. It's the times when my feet feel as if they could run forever, and my mind feels amazingly clear, and I can feel this deep communion with God and the whole of nature around me, and I just get this sense that everything is going to be all right. And the weird thing is, I can never predict when those days will be, I just have to start running and see what happens. I guess that's kind of like life, you don't know what days will be good and what days will be bad, you just have to go out there and see what happens.


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