Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sorry it's been so long...

Hey, sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. This week has just been one big blur between homework assignments, so not much too fun has been going on. I had three assignments due yesterday, one paper, one portfolio, and one presentation, and then a cumulative examination today. But I am feeling very happy now because they are all over! I only have two weeks of school left for this semester, and boy, am I counting the days. At least tonight I can go out and let down my hair (where did that expression come from, anyways? Like, the 1800's???) It's one of my friends from my social work program's birthday, so another friend and I are taking her out for some drinks and dessert, and then to see a movie. It should be fun and mindless. I really need that right now. I have been so productive, I need to just stop working for awhile. Pretty much the only fun think I have done recently is taken this on-line test, at www.findyourspot.com, which tells you your top 20 or so spots you should live in. My number one was actually Atlanta, Georgia, which I keep saying with my sister that we want to move there. So, maybe it will happen one day. But for now it is more school.


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