Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, April 08, 2005

The Laws of the Universe

Ah, I feel so good. I've been working on this mid-term take home test, and I just sent it in to my professor. It feels good to have it done with, but now, of course, I have about 3 things to do for next week. Only 4 weeks of classes left, and then finals. But I'm not counting down or anything. I have a pretty fun weekend planned, too. I'm going to see the movie Fever Pitch tonight with some friends (that kind of sounds like a porn title, doesn't it?), and tomorrow, some of my friends from high school are coming to visit, and we'll go to a Jimmy Eat World concert together on Sunday night, plus Taking Back Sunday is opening for them. So, I'm pretty stoked about that.

Why is it that whenever you meet a cute guy, you're usually dressed in some bummy old outfit? Or at least I feel like that's what happens to me. Last night, I went over to my friend Chris's room to play some Nintendo 64, and I was feeling all bummy yesterday, because I was feeling kind of crampy, so I was wearing my fat jeans and an old t-shirt and my hair up in a ponytail, thinking it's just Chris, it doesn't matter what I look like. Well, one of his friends called up to come over and play this video game, so he came over, and he was super hot, and really nice. And I felt so unattractive. I think it's the laws of the universe that state you must meet cute guys only when looking your worst.


  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger Lij said…

    Hey, Katie... have I ever told you about the Neb Everhs theory? Basically, it is that whenever you look good, you will not see anyone good looking or important. However, the minute you step outside looking like crap, everyone you like, admire, or want to impress will see you and say hello.

    Without fail.


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