Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Spring Fever

I think I'm getting a mild case of Spring Fever. The sun has been out a lot more lately, and the weather is turning nice, and I keep noticing couples everywhere. It's making me want to date someone, but right now, I only have two options, but I keep thinking about them more lately. There's this one guy in my dorm who I went on a date with earlier this semester, but I didn't think I wanted to continue seeing him, so I started avoiding him. Well, lately I've been running into him again, and he keeps flirting with me, making it pretty clear he still likes me. Today, I was heading out to go exercising, and I saw him working the front desk, and we talked a bit about school work and stuff, and he knows that I'm going to be leaving Champaign after this semester, so he said he would "catch up with me later before I go, if that was all right with me." Does that mean he's going to ask me out again before school's over? And I know, the only reason I'm considering it is because this semester is almost over, so I can go out with him and whatever and then never have to see him again.

The other guy is one I would maybe be more interested in. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I was being too picky at the beginning of the year. He's a guy in my small group, and has been kind of interested in me, but I never felt that attracted to him. But with all the Spring Fever getting into me, I feel like I've been looking at him with more interest lately. Like, we had small group this past Wednesday, and we just had a prayer and praise session, and he brought about three instruments to play, a viola, an African drum, and a piano (well, the piano was already there, he didn't bring it). He played the viola so beautifully(and the other instruments, too), and he was being so funny that I wondered if I wasn't being too harsh and not being willing to get to know him better. But once again, I only have about four weeks left, so is it even worth it to get something going, when I don't know if I really like him or if it's just the longing for somebody, and being flattered that he likes me? I don't know. I feel like relationships are so confusing. I'm so picky, but am I being the right amount of pickiness in that I just know what I like, or am I being too picky in that very few people can match up to the standards I want? I think I need some advice here.

Well, at least I'm getting away this weekend. I'm going to visit a friend in Indiana, so that will be fun. I think it'll be pretty low key, but I kind of want that right now. I'm feeling so tired from this semester. A bientot.


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