Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Jimmy Rocks

I had a great weekend. On Friday night, I went to see Fever Pitch with some friends, and it was really cute. I liked it a lot. On Saturday, a friend from home came to visit, so we went out to dinner, and then went out to some bars with another girl he's friends with who's here at Law school and some of her friends. It was fun because the last time I saw this girl was in high school, and I'd lost a lot of weight since I've last seen her, so about three times last night she kept telling me how good I was looking. Who doesn't like that? I can see why guys would want to take girls out to a bar on a first date (besides the obvious reason of getting them drunk). They turn the music up so loud there you can barely hear the person you're sitting next to, let alone someone across the table from you, so for all those guys who are not good conversationalists, this is the perfect place where you can bring a date and end up staring at each other across the table without feeling too bad about it.

On Sunday, he came over and we watched I heart Huckabees, a very interesting film that I'm still mulling over. I feel like I need to watch it again to get the stuff that I missed. Then, we went to dinner and to the Jimmy Eat World concert! It was amazing. Taking Back Sunday opened for them, but they were just blown away when Jimmy came on stage. They are so much better live, I think, then on a CD. They played quite a bit of their old stuff, so now I want to go and get one of their older CDs before Bleed American. I'm still singing their songs this morning. Now, it is Monday and back to the grindstone. But I have the memory of a perfect weekend filled with friends, good movies, nintendo games, and concerts.


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