Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Manna From Heaven

Yesterday was just the day I needed to finish out the end of this school year. I have been working so much on homework, that I feel like I haven't talked with people for awhile, and yesterday, that is all I did. It was so wonderful, like manna from Heaven. First, all the teachers in my building brought food for us students for the end of the year for lunch (which meant bringing in Jimmy John's sandwiches, but hey, I'm not about to complain), so I sat with people from my social work program who I haven't talked with for awhile and we talked for about an hour. Then, I had class, where everyone was supposed to give a 6-7 minute presentation on a policy in schools, but we didn't have enough time for everybody, and since it was going alphabetical order, of course I did not get to go. So, our teacher just made us hand in our power point notes and she is going to grade those. Then, I drove to Bloomington to have dinner with my sister and her husband and interview at Barnes and Nobles, and I talked with one friend who lives out in L.A. on the way there and one of my old roommates from college on the way back. And when I got home, our small group was having our end of the year party, so I went to that and got to hang out with my friends there. It was so nice, especially realizing I have made more friends this year than I realized. I just love days where all you do is talk with people. Maybe that's why I'm going to be a social worker. : )


  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger sarahnoel said…

    Yay! I'm so glad for you. I know that you need that socializing in order to energize. How the heck is LS?


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