Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Reading Day

Ahhh, reading day. The name conjures up images of laying around on a blanket under the sun reading a good book. This name is grossly misleading. It's really a day that we don't have classes and have time to work on homework and finals. And while I appreciate not having class today, I would much rather be laying about reading my current book checked out from the library, Enna Burning by Shannon Hale (yes, it's from the children's section, no it is not porn). She writes kind of fairy-tale like books. This is actually a sequal to her last book, The Goose Girl which, for you uninformed, is the name of a famous fairy-tale. Pretty good books.

I have managed to secure two boxes for my move! I have been having the hardest time finding boxes at stores, but finally managed to hit gold at Jerry's IGA! My new favorite store. So, screw you Target and Meijer for not having any boxes because you smash them up immediately with your corregating machine. Jerry's IGA is my hero.


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