Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Friday, May 13, 2005

A Semester Finished, a Chapter Closed...

I have survived my spring semester! It feels so good to be done with everything, even if it is only for a weekend. I start my summer classes on Monday. Yippee. Meanwhile, I am back at home in Chicago and frantically trying to unpack all my stuff before I leave on Sunday for Bloomington.

It was kind of sad leaving the dorm for the last time. I went out on Tuesday night with some people in my dorm, and it was a lot of fun. We were all just talking and hanging out. It was one guy's birthday, this guy on my floor who I thought was pretty cute and we would talk on the elevator and stuff, and we got to talk some more that night. Then, I saw him the next day and we talked, and the last day I was there he asked if I wanted to go out with some of them that night, and I had to give him the bad news that I was leaving. At least I got a hug from him. : )

Today has been the exciting errand day. I got my car emmissions test done, and now it is having an oil change, so I am here at the library waiting for that to be done. I feel so tired. And it was one of my friend's birthdays on Wednesday, so tomorrow night some of her friends in Chicago are throwing a party for her and she wants me to go. And I don't really want to go. I am not much of a party girl unless it is people I know and like. I don't like parties when I feel like the whole purpose is to just get drunk. I think I'll drive in separately so I can leave whenever I want to.

So, that is my exciting weekend. Oh, I have an interview on Sunday night at 5:00 with Blockbuster about a summer job, so let's hope that goes well. Wish me luck.


  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger ec said…

    congrats on finishing, kid!


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