Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Weekend Update

I have had a pretty crazy week, what with working on papers and finals, driving to Bloomington twice for two interviews with Barnes and Nobles (yeah!), and going out with some friends. Yes, I got called for an interview at B & N with the assistant manager on Saturday, and he said I would hear back in about 3-4 days about if I will get picked for the third interview or not. I hope so, that would be my top choice for a job this summer. Discounts on books AND Starbucks coffee, plus (and I did not know this, maybe you did), but it is connected with B. Dalton and Game Stop, so I would also get discounts there. Isn't that nice? I feel like even to get a little part-time job anymore, it is about who you know or who you can impress. I don't know why it is this hard to find a job. I think what is hurting me is the fact that I will only be around for the summer. I kind of hedged with B & N to make them think I might be there longer, and I feel kind of bad about that, like I was lying to them even though I didn't actually lie.

Then, Thursday night I went to see Sahara with some friends, which was fun. On Friday night I went to see two bands play at a bar here in Champaign, and they were really good. My cousin invited me to go, so I went with her and her new boyfriend and his sister. The bands were called Punsapaya (I think I spelled that right), and Bottle of Justice. I liked them both a lot, they were both rock groups. My cousin knew the members in both bands, so she introduced me to them, and they were a pretty hot group of guys. There's something about a guy in a band that just makes me salivate and want to jump his bones.

So, wish me luck this week on my finals, and on getting a job!


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