Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Joggers Fan Club

I apparently have a fan club at the track where I go running on a regular basis. Granted, when I am there, it is mostly middle aged to older people, with a few students over breaks. For the most part, I am one of the youngest people there, probably because it is free. On Fridays when I go in the mornings, I keep seeing this one older guy there, probably in his 40's, and he always says hi to me and stares at me as I run. He probably has the biggest gut I have ever seen in my life, too, so it is quite exciting for me. My other fan is this older gentleman, who once complimented me on a Project Serve (high school mission trip) shirt that I wear sometimes to run, and now every time I see him, he taps me on the shoulder and gives me the thumbs up sign. He's just nice, I don't think he's hitting on me or anything. Still, it amuses me. I must look hot when I sweat.

Monday, January 23, 2006


I was really cranky this weekend, and I'm not sure why. On Friday, I went to Champaign for my first class of this semester, and it was fun catching up with my friend, Taylor, but the ride home was horrible. It poured the whole time, and I guess I was lucky it didn't really start snowing until the end. I got home and felt completely exhausted, so I ended up staying home, but then I felt all depressed that I was home and not out with other people. I get this weird anciness sometimes, like I'm tired and don't want to go out, but then I feel sad that I'm not with people. Does anyone else ever feel this way? I ended up watching What Not To Wear with my mom and getting ice cream with her. That almost made me more depressed. I am snapping so much at my mother recently, I just am feeling like I do not want to live at home anymore. This next semester is going to be hard.

Saturday was some better. I got up, went exercising, went to the mall for a bit and bought two shirts, and then my sister came up for the day to see her friend's new baby, so my whole family (mom and two sisters and I) went out to dinner together. Then, I went to see Hostel that night with some of my friends, which was horrible. Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. The whole thing consisted of naked women and blood. It couldn't decide whether to be a porno flick or a horror movie. Probably the only redeeming factor was Jay Hernandez was pretty cute in it (from Crazy/Beautiful and Girl Fight). Sunday was church and working ALL DAY LONG at Barnes and Noble. I feel like I'm getting stir crazy for spring.

I feel like I really need to make a decision regarding next year. People have been pressuring me about looking for a job, and I just keep hesitating because I don't know where I want to live and where I want to be. I will definitely be doing social work wherever I am, but I can't decide whether or not to go to Scotland. I have been praying so much about the future, but feel like God is still saying wait, it will all be clear soon enough. I hate waiting. This is probably good for me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Sorry I have not posted in awhile. I'd say its been busy, but what kind of excuse is that? When is life not busy? I have started the second semester of my internship. My schedule is changing a little bit in that I will be picking up the junior high a little bit more. I will still be at the high school on Monday and Thursday, and Tuesday I will be at the elementary school, but Wednesday I will start out at the elementary school until 10:40, and then go over to the junior high for the rest of the day. I am a little nervous about that, I do not like the junior high as much, but it will be fine. It's only a half a day.

I think my schedule at Barnes and Noble will be changing, too, for which I am grateful. I am going to go down to only working one day a week, sometime from Monday through Thursday, so I will have my weekends free. I am getting so sick of working a full 8 1/2 hour day on Sunday, it is longer than my time at the school. Plus, my grandma is now at this assisted living home, and I will be paid to take her out a couple of days during the week: probably once during the week and once on either Saturday or Sunday. I will get paid more per hour for taking care of her plus there are no taxes taken out, but I will still keep my discount at Barnes and Nobles (mmmm, frappuccinos).

I have my first class at U of I this Friday, so that wonderful homework will start up again, but it will be fun to drive down with my friend Taylor and catch up on everything. 5 hours in the car certainly lets you do that.

Other than that, I am simply trying to decide what to do next year. I feel like I do not want to be in Wheaton. I want to get away from home for sure. Even this summer, I think I will go and live with either Eden in California or Sarah in Rockford. Just the thought of being at home makes me feel really depressed. I'm ready for some change in my life, something not completely patterned and orderly, which is how I feel my life is right now. I have such a routine for every day: work, exercise, go home and relax. I never do anything really interesting and exciting, for the most part. Maybe I'm just feeling the wanderlust because I have not traveled anywhere in a long time. I am going to Los Angeles for Spring Break, which I am very excited about. And that's still over two months away.