Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Long weekend

Who knew one could end up at the hospital so many times over the course of one weekend? I am now officially an aunt. My sister had her baby boy on Friday morning, naming him Parker Tyler. He looks pretty cute, if I do say so. I was actually experiencing maternal urges as I held him in my arms, which is saying a lot since I used to claim that I never wanted to have kids. Now I'm rethinking that. Two might be okay. So, I had to cancel all my plans for this weekend and head down to Bloomington to spend both Friday and Saturday at the hospital visiting with my sister and her husband and his family and various friends of theirs. Then, Saturday night, I got home and had to take my mom to the emergency room from 10-2am because of these back spasms she was having. They gave her some pain medication, but it wasn't strong enough, so we were back to the emergency room on Sunday evening. I am so sick of the hopsital I never want to go there again. Never mind the fact that I wasn't even staying there.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Brief Update

For those of you wondering what I have been up to these days, I've been mostly busy with family affairs. My sister is very close to having her baby, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens within the next week. I went down to Bloomington last weekend for her baby shower, and I stayed overnight until Sunday morning. This week I've just been relaxing and laying out at the pool tons. I went to the beach last Friday (in Chicago on Lake Michigan, still, better than nothing) with some friends, and now this weekend I am going to Bloomington again for the entire weekend for my cousin's wedding. I broke down and bought a new dress for it because I felt pretty in it, it's from BCBG and it looks like a Monet print, and it was majorly on sale. Other than that, not much words of wisdom right now. Just some major summer relaxing. Gotta get it in now before I get a real job.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Flight Info

I just bought my plane tickets to London! I am definitely now committed to going. Not that I wasn't before, but now it is final. I have proof in the form of paper that I will be flying out come August 29th. I'm kind of in shock right now. I have the feeling that these next two months are going to be filled with all my preparations to go. I still have some big things left to do, like get my visa and arrange a place to stay and do a criminal background check and some other things, but for the most part, I am ready to go! The really nice thing was my Dad bought my plane tickets. Those were really quite expensive, so that was a big help.

Other than that, I really have not been doing very much this summer. I'm going to a minor league baseball game tonight (hopefully, it won't rain as it has been doing all day long so far.) Tomorrow is the fourth, and I am driving to Rockford to see the fireworks with Sarah. I went to the Taste of Chicago yesterday with my mom, and that was really fun. Extremely humid and crowded, but fun. My favorite thing that I tried was this mustard-fried catfish with some sort of sweet mustard sauce on it. It was so good. You had to buy tickets for the food, which always makes me mad because you end up spending more than you would otherwise. It was 11 tickets for $7.00, and you had to buy 11 at a time. Each booth did offer taste portions, which I got, which were only about 3 tickets each and had a small sample of something. That way, you were able to eat more food than if you got some huge meal. The train ride home was so crowded that I had to stand for almost all of it. I had never seen it so crowded. I also saw two really good movies this weekend, Click with Adam Sandler (I cried near the end of it, it was so good--the message was really meaningful, about not enjoying every moment of your life and not letting it get away from you) and also the Devil Wears Prada (loved the fashion in it, loved it loved it loved, made me wish I had gone into some sort of fashion major, but not have that boss, obviously.) So, in all I had a pretty busy weekend. I loved it.