Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I have found it very different driving in Northern Illinois then driving in the suburbs. For one thing, people drive so much slooooooower than I am used to. I hate it when I am driving down State Street in the left lane and people are going 5 miles under the speed limit. I just don't think people should ever drive under the speed limit. And a lot of times they will pull out in front of me and then proceed to go 5 miles under the speed limit. That really bugs me.

It's also weird driving on all these country roads. Although, another social worker laughed at me when I was describing these roads as "country", but they are surrounded by cornfields, so they must be country, right? Half the time, I can never figure out what the speed limit is on these roads, and then there are no stores for me to figure out where I actually am, and they are all twisty and turny, and then I will get confused about whether or not I'm on the same road I was originally.

Today something else weird happened. I was running on this path and I heard a noise behind me. When I turned to look, a police car was driving up the path after me. My first paranoid thought was that it was pulling me over, but after I moved aside, it just continued up ahead of me. I don't know where it was going on this path barely big enough for it to fit on, but maybe the cop car was feeling the need for some exercise.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Prayer requests

Hi, I know usually I don't post very serious or important blogs, but I just wanted to ask if my friends could be praying for my dad right now. I'm pretty worried about him. He had surgery on Thursday to remove a cist in his back, and the doctors found that the bones in his back are deteriorating. They think that he has leukemia. They did an MRI and will find out tomorrow for sure if he has it. Either way on Tuesday he is having surgery again to put something in his back to help support it. He is sounding very worried and nervous right now about it, which I don't blame him. I am going to call him in the hospital tomorrow to find out what the doctors found out. Please pray that he will get better. He said they will probably have to do bone marrow transplants if it is leukemia. Thanks for all your support and prayers on this. I hope God really uses this to bring me Dad closer to Him.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Life has been running along for me. I'm getting more used to my new job, but I still feel a bit unsure about parts of it. I am at three schools, so it is definitely hard to remember everyone's names. At one of my schools, I wish I had a bit more to do, because I feel like I am really reaching to fill my time there. I hope in a couple of months I will feel more sure about what I am doing. I have a parent's event coming up in a couple of weeks to build up relations between the school and home. All of the parents have special needs children, so it is also to show them that they have some support. Ah, the many varied jobs of a social worker.

This weekend was really fun. I went to Dixon on Friday (my first time there) to visit one of my friends from Champaign. We played some video games, went to dinner, and saw Halloween, which really scared me. I couldn't sleep that night because I was so freaked out. It's been awhile since a movie scared me that much, so of course it rated highly in my books. On Saturday, I went with Sarah to Lake Lawn Resort in Wisconsin. My dad owns a room in the resort, and it was owners night, so we got to go and stay there for the evening. It was a nice room with two queen-sized beds. We had fun there. We went the next day over to Lake Geneva to do some shopping, and I got some good stuff. I got this cool purple t-shirt with this cameo on it, and a black knit Michael Stars shirt (my fav. designer). It felt so good to get away and relax for a bit. I'm hoping we can get there again in the winter time, because it was so close and really nice.