Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy October!

Today has been a good day for me. I went and subbed at this middle school where I've been once before, and last time I was there, I noticed this cute single (well, not wearing a wedding ring) teacher in the lounge while I was eating lunch. This time, he was walking in when I was and was talking to me. Then, at lunch, he came and sat by me and was talking to me some again. Not that anything happened other than that, but he was really cute and nice.

Then, after I went running this evening, I went by Starbucks to get a frappuccino, and the guy at the drive-through window gave it to me for free! He gave some explanation about his drawer not being open, and I was like, good enough for me. So, October is starting out well for me!


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