Tales from the Sky

The Sky is Falling, and other tales of the macabre.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last Day

Thursday was supposed to be my last day at school for my internship, but my supervisor decided that since I only had enough to do to last me for today and no students to see that today could be my last day. Of course, I am excited about the prospect of being done and out for the summer, but I'm feeling kind of sad as well. I hate saying good-byes, I never know how to do them. It's especially difficult with people with whom I have formed some sort of bond with over the year, but in reality will probably not keep in touch with. There are some people who have asked to be on my email updates when I am in England next year, so I will probably keep in touch with some people. I'm also going to miss some of my students. I have really enjoyed being a school social worker this year and enjoy all the relationships I have formed this year and the thought that I have made some impact on the lives of others, even if only a bit.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do with my next couple of free days before leaving on vacation Friday. I'm thinking about the pool. I am way whiter than I have any desire to be, and one of my goals this summer is to change my race through tanning. I might also bust out the bikini for the first time in the small environment of my sister's apartment pool which is typically overrun with mom's and their small children who will not care how white I am or that I have stretch marks on my stomach. Plus, I have seen women there wearing bikinis who look way worse than I do.

Monday, May 22, 2006

All Things New

I got the most beautiful camera in the world this weekend. My Dad bought it for me for a graduation present after we went to see Poseidon at the movies. Movie was okay, but the camera made me the happiest girl in the world. The best part is this scene feature you can put it on, where you can choose what type of picture you are taking (examples, beach, snow, indoor, outdoor, portrait, behind glass, document, etc.), and it automatically adjusts itself to take that sort of picture. It's so neat. I want to take pictures of nearly everything, but haven't had anything fun to take a picture of yet. However, my trip to California is coming up soon... It also came with a half a gig memory card for free, so that is nice.

I was pretty busy the rest of the weekend as well. On Friday night, I went to this place in Chicago for some half-price sushi before 7:00 with a group of people from Ecclesia, our post-modern church at Wheaton Bible Church. It was really fun. I saw some people I hadn't really seen since high school, and it was actually pretty even guys/girls. It was a full night of consuming, because after dinner we got dessert at a Swedish bakery, and then we went to this bar after that which has over 100 different types of beers from around the world. I, of course, had an Amoretto Sour, but I did have a taste of an Apple Beer which I'll have if I ever go there again. It was very sweet and kind of tasted like an Appletini. They also had meade, which I'll probably try in London. It seems very Brittish.

I also tried our new young singles sunday school class on Sunday, which was just okay. I mostly talked with people I already knew there. I don't know if I'll go again. We'll see. I only have two weeks of school left, so maybe this summer when I have more time, I'll be more social and try to meet more new people.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer is Coming

I have another day in the school without my supervisor. I kind of like days like this because I feel more independent (obviously), and like I can handle being a school social worker on my own. I love school social work so much more than teaching, where your days were so structured and you could hardly go to the bathroom without it creating conflict with your schedule. I feel very busy with the social work I have to do, but it's more meeting with people and phone calls home and to community agencies and meeting with kids and writing reports, so it's more on my own schedule. I'm feeling pretty good about the end of the school year. I have most of my meetings next week, so that will be a little hectic, but I should be able to get most of my reports written today, see a couple of kids, and maybe even spend some time finishing up my GSCC application for social work in Great Britain.

I have some fun stuff planned for this weekend as well. It was my friend Patty's birthday last week, so this Saturday some of us are going to take her out to dinner at Cafe Iberico in Chicago (best tapas in the world.) I might be seeing my dad tomorrow or else next Friday to see Poseidon (not so sure I want to see it, but it's at the IMAX so it should be cool with all the special effects) and get a digital camera for my graduation! Then, on Sunday my church is starting this new young singles class for people ages 22-35, so I'm going to check that out with Patty. I think it'll be very small and with probably the same people I've seen at Ecclesia (the post modern church service Sunday evenings for people ages 18-30 something), but it's worth checking out. So, there's my update.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Graduation weekend!

This weekend was my graduation weekend from graduate school! I didn't walk, and now I'm kind of sad that I didn't, but I will get over it. My sister and brother-in-law came up for the weekend to celebrate it, along with Mother's Day, and my whole family went out to eat on Saturday night to Weber Grill (mmm, good), and then got cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for dessert (mmmm, even better.) I got some presents from my fam, too, which was nice, some money from my mom and grandma, gift certificates to Old Navy and Linens 'n Things from my sister, Sarah, and some social work books from my sister, Chris. It's a nice feeling that now I can put MSW after my name on reports.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And Another One Bites the Dust

Well, for those of you who know her, my friend Janet is now engaged (for the second time!) I am excited for her. It sounds like her wedding will be pretty soon, like in September-November, and it will be in Savannah, Georgia. I might be getting together with her soon to see the ring and her dress and everything. She sounds really happy. Definitely makes me think more closely about internet dating, since that's how she met her man, and he's a catch.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Beginnings and Endings

I like having a school year because it lets you have a beginning and an ending to each year. It makes me feel as if I have accomplished a lot over the course of the year, and then I get a nice break before it starts all over again. I think it's important in a job, especially one which deals with social, emotional, and financial needs, to have some sort of closure to a case or some sense as if progress is being made. I feel like my internship is just going to race forward until the end. There are still various little details I have to take care of, and several more case studies that I have to complete before the end (which is only in four weeks! I hope I have enough time for everything.) I also still need to find a summer job (which may end up being a temp agency,) and get my application in for the General Social Care Council in Great Britain. I'm feeling minorly stressed by all the things I have to do, but at the same time I know I will have enough time to take care of everything I need to. It's kind of a nice feeling. I think I'm feeling more confident about my life because I'm feeling closer to God than I have in a long while. I started going to counceling with a Christian counselor, and I have really been feeling God speaking to me through her. I feel as if I'm ready to let go of the things that have been keeping me from seeking God and start pursuing my relationship with Him again. I'm definitely ready for some changes in my life.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Okay, Now I'm Just Procrastinating

My supervisor has gone over to the other school, and I just finished seeing this girl I counsel for social skills, and I need to make this phone call to a parent that I don't want to do. It's about this boy here at the elementary school who has said he is home alone all day lone on days that he's sick, and it's not right for boys his age (1st grade) to be home alone all day long, so I get to call the parents and ask them whether this is true or not and see if there are any services I can help them out with, such as finding in-home daycare so he's not alone. This is the part of social work I don't feel comfortable with, calling parents and talking with them about how they are not taking care of their child properly, although of course in a supportive way. This job certainly takes tact.

For the Love of Books

I'm almost finished reading my book by Bill Bryson called "Notes from a Small Island," and I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes traveling. It was very well written, and it makes me want to write about my travels to places, such as when I will go to London this fall. He's written a bunch of other travel books, so I want to read those as well. There's a lot of good books coming out soon. Charlaine Harris, my favorite Southern Vampire novelist, is coming out with the 6th book in her series today, which I can't wait to check out from Barnes and Noble, but have to wait until next week because this Thursday is inventory day, and everything needs to be in the store. I have this list of books coming out within the next year that I'm excited about, and I check it every so often to see if I'm missing anything that's come out. That is how much of a book nerd I am. I love reading so much. How else do we get to explore worlds that are not our own, and never will be? I think that being an author would have to be the best job in the world. That would be kind of a weird combination, social worker who publishes best sellers on the side. That would certainly supplement the meager checks I get for being in social work. We are definitely one of the most underpaid careers in the world, and we do some of the most good.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's amazing how unproductive one can be when one has a lot of time on one's hands. I had this nice four-day weekend because they were doing Prairie State Evaluations at school on Thursday and there wasn't much for me to do, so I got the day off. You would think I would spend time working on this application for the General Social Care Council in Britain (and I did, some), but I definitely did not finish it like I thought I would. Instead, I watched TV, I saw American Dreamz (funny in parts, overall just okay), and I rented a couple of movies on Saturday night and watched them (Fun With Dick and Jane, and My Date With Drew--pretty cute.) When I look back on this weekend, nothing really stands out in my head, but the fact that I got copious amounts of sleep, which make me feel well rested this morning back to work.

I think these next 5 weeks of school are going to be pretty hectic with meetings. I got two more case studies to do to meet with the parents and get reports, so I think this will go by fast. It's been a good internship, but I'm ready to be making money and have a job of my own. Although, the four-day working week has been extremely enjoyable.